Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blogs Review:
Patrick Chen Family

I read about Patrick's wife and two children in his bio. But, that's not the family I'm going to review. I started at his blog about affiliate marketing and I discovered a family of blogs. I am going to tell you about that family.

Patrick writes well. He is clear and he tells stories which caputure the reader. It is a pleasure to read what he has to say, even if you are not so interested in affiliate marketing for yourself. I strongly urge that you explore the family he has put together, because there might be something in here for you.

When I started reading, I saw the black mask and the perfect wealth formula. Then I encountered a reference to "The Science of Getting Rich" and then the topic evolved into "The Secret" which has recently become a rage on Oprah and other talk shows. It is a rage because it is so interesting.

There is more. I don't have space to write about everything in a 'review.' You need to go meet his family. You really need to see his family to find those parts that are most interesting and rewarding for you.

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1 comment:

silken said...

left you a review
