Friday, June 29, 2007

Site Review: Developmental Discovery System

Rodger Bailey, MS, and Profesora Maria Isabel Aguilar are doing something that no one else in the world is able to do.

They have developed a series of protocols for children with developmental problems. Their protocols engage the natural, dormant, developmental process for these children. Their clients fill-in the gaps in their developmental process and start maturing appropriately. Their program is a training and coaching process for the parents. They test, coach, and teach what to do and how to do it. The parents work with their children 20 to 40 minutes per day, and over time, these children lose all their symptoms and become age-appropriate.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blog Review: ProfitSense - Make Money Online with ProfitSense Blogger

Blog Review:
ProfitSense - Make Money Online with ProfitSense Blogger

Wow. This is really interesting. I have had to learn something to get this review written and published. The author asks that we not only review the blog, but also to favorite his site in technorati. Now, I have to learn about technorati to do this. The author writes,

“Link my blog with and with the anchor text: Profitsense
Blogger, Make Money with etienne, & Make money online .

It is a simple Technorati favorite exchange. I want to see if it’s possible to boost my
Technorati ranking and yours with this trick. Everytime a blog is favorited in
Technorati, it’s rank will increase, that simple.

My User ID:Successevermore
My Link:

Once you have added me to your favorites please post
your blog and your Technorati username in the comments. I will add all the blogs
in the comments to my Technorati favorites and help you to increase your
ranking, but if you decide to review me and also add me in my technorati, please
do contact me through my email or leave me a comment and i will be glad to get
back to you.”
Okay, following the instructions, I have signed up with technorati and my button is at the bottom of this post. My tags are: developmental, developmental problems, developmental delay, developmental disability, developmental difficult, autism, aspergers, pdd-nos, adhd, add, gdd, capd, apd, dyslexia.

Now, I have gone to ProfitSense Blogger’s site and I have clicked his technorati button and registered his blog in my technorati account.

Finally, when I have posted this review, I expect ProfitSense Blogger will do this same activity for me. I will now modify my Example Reviews so that it includes this simple technirati exchange as well as the content review with my anchored links.

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If you like my Blog or this post, please add me to your technorati favs:
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Blog Review:
onedira - A great way to muse

This is from a person in Bali that is really committed to blogging. I usually find that someone who is interested in technology and education has some (even if it is only a passing) interest in developmental issues. This blog is well structured and organized (of course, I like it because it uses the same theme as my blog). It has many articles about software, blogging, and phones. One post is about the violence in schools in the USA.

This is a nice read. It goes from technical to rambling to human interest. English is not the writer’s native tongue and there are a few grammar glitches, but I am now writing from a Spanish-speaking country and I have become accustomed to that linguistic pattern (and believe me when I say that I could not write a blog in Spanish).

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blogs Review:
Silken Family - Family Night and Did You Know

This seems to really be a family. One of the first posts to catch my eye was a post about Parlor Games. In some way the post is like a TV network teaser, “Stay tuned, more parlor games coming after the break.” But, the next couple of posts were about specific parlor games, including one called King Frog.

What caught my eye (and my heart) was the reference to the father having learned these parlor games as a child from his grandfather and his love of sharing these gems with unsuspecting guests. What engages me about these games is that I think their limited use these days, is at the heart of the growth of developmental problems for children around the world. These parlor games were nightly activities for families before radio, TV, and the Internet changed forever the family dynamic. These games include a type of activity that is particularly important for appropriate development of children. I am confident that the loss of these activities is directly responsible for the growth in ADHD and dyslexia and other developmental problems. So, stop watching TV and start playing Parlor Games.

Another great site in the Silken family blogs is Did You Know, which has an incredible list of did you knows . . . Each of the posts is a “did you know?” It might be a review of another blog. It might be a comment about one of the children’s successes. It might be an idea about how to keep flies away from your picnic. Did you know you could spend hours reading all those posts, and did you know they are delightful?

I really like these blogs!

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Blogs Review:
Patrick Chen Family

I read about Patrick's wife and two children in his bio. But, that's not the family I'm going to review. I started at his blog about affiliate marketing and I discovered a family of blogs. I am going to tell you about that family.

Patrick writes well. He is clear and he tells stories which caputure the reader. It is a pleasure to read what he has to say, even if you are not so interested in affiliate marketing for yourself. I strongly urge that you explore the family he has put together, because there might be something in here for you.

When I started reading, I saw the black mask and the perfect wealth formula. Then I encountered a reference to "The Science of Getting Rich" and then the topic evolved into "The Secret" which has recently become a rage on Oprah and other talk shows. It is a rage because it is so interesting.

There is more. I don't have space to write about everything in a 'review.' You need to go meet his family. You really need to see his family to find those parts that are most interesting and rewarding for you.

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Blog Review:
sojihea - transplanted cali guy, cafe, coffee & conversation kinda dude.

This blog jumps out at you. Right up front there are some great Google Video clips that will drag people into this blog. When I reviewed this site there were four great VW ads featuring the "un-pimp your ride" promotional campaign. Lots of fun. Also, looking around in the blog, I found a post about Affiliate Page Pro which is a site that helps you manage your affiliates. I'm interested in this.

I suggest you look on the main page of sojihea, down the sidebar, on the right for "Berry Tree" which I think is an interesting link.

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Site Review:
Homeworker World - Everything you need to work from home

This has many links to things of interest for those of us who make our living from home, on the Internet. It hasmany different links for the types of products, services, and ideas we need and we use. Link exchange and their forum are good examples of the offerengs on this site.

The site is not very sophisticated, but it has many places to go and things to see.

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Blog Review:
Internet Marketing and Technology News
Information About Internet Marketing and Everything Tech

On opening this Blog, it tells me about $10/month DLS from AT&T in 22 states. When I wrote this review, the most recent post in Internet Marketing is about how AT&T is selling, but not telling us about, DSL at this incredible low price. This is certainly news that all of us "everything tech" folks want to hear about. I also looked through posts from June, which includes information about how Blockbuster to Favor Blu-Ray HD Disc and about the popularity of apple's new browser offering Apple’s Safari Browser: 1 Million Downloads in 2 Days For Windows.

This is clearly a Blog you would want to keep on feed if you, like me, have a technical slant. Great job, keep it up.

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Blog Review:
Rahul Prabhakar - when the muse strikes!

A clearly-written Blog. It is about Technical Communications and of course it would be clear. I really liked one of his articles, Top 10 Challenges Faced By Technical Communicators at Work, where he wrote about the challenges for those in the tech writing field. He asked a listserve of technical writers and they told him of the biggest problems that they face as tech writers.

One of the main concepts of that article was about getting to the essential parts of what has to be written. I have a couple of tools I use to reduce down to the central elements of something. One is the LAB Profile. This is a linguistic model I developed in the more than 25 years ago to understand communications (people who are delivering as well as those receiving) on a range of 40 scales. I also use it to understand the nature of the information.

The other is the Cube (I have not yet written much about this one). Basically, I look at a task or project or situation from six different angles. Content, context (mini), structure, flow, overview (macro), & measurement. When I'm in the data gathering phase of a project, I use these different angles to make sure that I have collected all that I need. When I go into an intervention, if I have addressed all of these in the intervention, I'm sure it will be ecologocal (and successful).

I really like this Blog. And I highly recommend it for its clarity.

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Blog Review: Tech Spikes - Get the Latest TechBeat!

Very interesting Blog. Tech Spikes is my kind of eclectic. It has tips , notes, and posts from all over the Internet and the blog-o-sphere, and, it shows how to fix things and how to get-around others. The writer even posts personal questions about how to fix Windows glitches.

I liked the posts in the Technology category. Of course, I would like technical things, because I am a real techno-nerd (notice my various Blogs' content). Don't let the focus of this Blog fool you. I work with children with Developmental Problems because I'm working on systemic problems in the developmental process.

I recommend this Blog because it is personal, technical, and eclectic.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Blog Review: Just Down The Road A Bit

This impressive Blog is offered with a bold title of Living Life - Life Coaching - Self Integration - Self Interrogation. It is filled with articles, ads, and from the self-help world, including Tony Robbins, The Secret, and The Sedona Method.

This is a world I know quite well. Robbins often tells in his seminars and books about his depressed beginnings and his giant leaps upward when he came in contact with NeuroLinguistic Programming (some people say he grew a foot in that time, but I've seen him and he has two feet like everyone else). We all have a great deal of respect for his marketing and presentation skills as he has taken the personal-growth and self-help world by storm for the last 25 years, or so.

One of the NLP content-sets that Robbins teaches is a set that I developed in the late 70s and early 80s. If you have read his books, he talks about Metaprograms and he describes consulting projects (which I performed). I have taught that content and a series of interview skills that goes with it (in seminars and as organizational consultant) for the past 26+ years as the LAB Profile.

One of the patterns which Robbins does not teach is Options and Procedures. The person who is operating in an 'options' pattern cannot follow procedures, but can make procedures for others to follow. The person who is operating in a 'procedures' pattern must follow procedures and without a procedure is simply stuck, but cannot make a new procedure or fix a broken one.

I have been building, repairing, programming, and using computers since the mid 60s. I have almost always been operating in the 'options' patterns during all these years. I can usually figure out what to do next, and rarely am I stuck about what to do next.

But, I'm new to the Blog world and I'm struggling to figure out what to do next. There are many methods and techniques in this new world that fly in the face of my years of computer experience and It is hard to get out-of-the-box to understand what my options are. I feel like a I'm trying to follow the procedures, based on decades of experience, and those procedures are not working.

Maybe self-help is what I need, and just down the road a bit is the place I need to go.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blog Review: SBizzTech by Blog Sire

This Blog has an eclectic range of points of interest. The main focus does seem to be about making money. It is a warm journal about life. He explores nature, technology, and he shows his heart. I like this guy and will visit here often, to see what's up next for him.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Our Other Lives

Information about what else we do:

Isabel Aguilar (my wife) and I also work with children with developmental problems. If you have family members with Developmental Delay or Developmental Disability, we provide an international consulting program (in English and Spanish) to get them back on track, developmentally. Our program encourages the child’s natural tendency to mature appropriately. Our clients become age-appropriate. We are the only service we have found which reliably, consistently, and predictably re-engages the child’s normal movement through the developmental stages.

“Developmental problems” is a term we use to talk about ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), dyslexia, LD (Learning Difficulty), GDD (Global Developmental Disorder), APD (Auditory Processing Disorder), autism, Asperger’s, PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified), and many other diagnoses. Our Developmental Discovery System™ has been shown to help these children fill-in the gaps in their developmental stages.

Rodger Bailey, MS
info (at)

Here are example reviews of our various sites. Please feel free to cut/paste them as starting points for reviews of our sites.

Site: Developmental Discovery

Rodger Bailey, MS, and Profesora Maria Isabel Aguilar are doing something that no one else in the world is able to do. They have developed a series of protocols for children with developmental problems. Their protocols engage the natural, dormant, developmental process for these children. Their clients fill-in the gaps in their developmental process and start maturing appropriately. Their program is a training and coaching process for the parents. They test, coach, and teach what to do and how to do it. The parents work with their children 20 to 40 minutes per day, and over tome, these children lose all their symptoms and become age-appropriate.

Site: Free Developmental Checklist

Rodger Bailey and Isabel Aguilar offer a free Developmental Checklist to track your child’s developmental progress. If your child has developmental problems (or not), our checklist is a handy way to understand your child’s developmental progress. If you child has Developmental Disability (autism, Asperger’s, or PDD) or has Developmental Delay (ADHD, LD, APD, GDD, or dyslexia), you will find this checklist helpful in understanding what developmental steps (or developmental tasks) you child needs to move through to catch up with peers.

Site: ADHDfree dot com

To know more about their philosophy, you should explore Rodger Bailey’s and Isabel Aguilar’s alternative concepts and theories for developmental problems. They think that Developmental Disability (autism, Asperger’s, or PDD) and Developmental Delay (ADHD, LD, APD, GDD, or dyslexia) are not medical, behavioral, educational, or psychological problems. They provide a strong case for understanding these as cultural problems. Read this site to learn how our modern world may be a fault.

Site: IsabelAguilar dot com

Profesora María Isabel Aguilar has worked for 45 years in the education and health fields. Working together with her husband, Rodger Bailey, MS, they has developed a series of protocols for engaging the natural movement through developmental stages for child who have developmental problems. Isabel also continues her work with a variety of chronic conditions such as migraines, morning sickness, phobias, toxins, and improving quality of life for those in coma. She is one of the few people in the world who can track down the toxins causing these chronic conditions over the phone. She guides her international clientele in re-establishing appropriate and healthy energy in their lives and finding well-being.

Blog: Developmental Discovery Blog

Rodger Bailey has written a series of articles about developmental problems for this blog. He explores the conditions of children with developmental problems. He describes the difficulties these children and their parents have to deal with, regularly, from educational, behavioral, psychological, and medical service providers. He believes that our culture has created these developmental problems and that those cultural systems (the service providers) make it much worse that it needs to be.

Blog: Fiber Optic 101

Rodger Bailey has put together a blog about fiber optic technology. This is an exploration of the concept, technology, and application of fiber optics. This includes telephone, Internet, cable TV, and lighting applications. This blog is like an introductory course with a lot of things being touched on without many specific technical details. A good introduction and overview for those who know little about fiber optic technology.

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